John Trimbos

John Trimbos
John is a training consultant specialising in skills and management training. He qualified as a solicitor in 1988 and started his professional life with the Treasury Solicitor's Department before moving to the private sector in the early 1990s. He has worked at Norton Rose and Denton Wilde Sapte as a transactional lawyer, and as in-house training manager at Ashurst and Norton Rose (again).

John's upcoming events

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You Are What You Write - Best Practice for Proof Reading Documents - Learn Live

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Business Writing Skills - Declutter & Sharpen Up Your Style

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Gender Neutral Writing & Drafting - Live at Your Desk - Learn Live

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Negotiation Skills - Tips, Tricks & Tactics - Live at Your Desk - Learn Live

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Proof-Reading - Avoiding Embarrassing Mistakes - Webinar

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